
History of POPs 70s 20170823

History of Pops 70s 中野サンプラザで 川畑要(CHEMISTRY)、三浦大知、上白石萌音、Little Glee Monster(LGM) の4組のアーティストが、70年代の日本の生活や当時の考え方等を紹介するお芝居と伴に、当時のヒット曲をメドレーで歌うというTBS(BS)の企画ラ…

Tokyo Girls' Style Back to the TIF(Tokyo Idol Festival) 2017

They have just returned to the Tokyo Idol Festival, the largest idol festival in the world, in Aug. 2017. The announce of becoming an artistic perfomance group about three years ago made a field where Tokyo Girls' Style(TGS) shows their pe…